Philippine Women's University
Online Application for Up-coming New Students   
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Application Data:
School Group * Classify applicant's chosen Campus.
Campus Site:
Course/Program (Priority) : *
Course/Program (Choice 2): Course / Program of the applicant
Course/Program (Choice 3): Course / Program of the applicant
Year Level: * Year level of the student.
Entry Classification: * Mandatory field. Classify applicant as Freshmen, transferee, cross enrollee or returnee for Pre-school, Grades school, JHS, SHS and college, and New Student for post-graduates.
LRN: Classify applicant's LRN.
School Year: 2024
Term: * 1st Trimester School term of enrollment.
Application Date: 2024-07-27    If date is other than today
Please submit at least one of the documents.
SHS Report Card (for freshmen) Max. of 5MB*: Report Card. Required for verification of identity and initial screening.
Transcript of Records (For Transferee/Cross Enrollee/Masteral/Doctoral) Max. of 5MB*: Transcript of Records . Required for verification of identity and initial screening.
Personal Data:
Surname: * Mandatory field.
First Name: * Mandatory field.
Middle Name: * Mandatory field.
Sex: * Male Female Mandatory field.
Nationality: * Classify applicant's Nationality from available list.
Religion: Classify applicant's religion from available list.
Date of Birth: * ??    Indicate date of birth to display. Mandatory field.
Place of Birth: * Indicate Place of Birth.
Civil Status: * Classify applicant's civil status from available list.
Monthly Family Income: * Indicate average/estimated monthly income of household members.
Contact Information:
What country are you currently residing in? *
Home Address: *
Number, Unit, Street Name, Building
Barangay, Barrio, Village, Subdivision, District
Municipality, City
Province, Region and ZIP/Postal Code
Home Phone No.: * (Area Code) Phone No.
Mobile Phone No.: * (Area Code) Mobile Phone No.
Billing Address:
Billing Address Tel No.: * (Area Code) Phone No. of your Permanent/Billing Address
E-mail address: * Personal e-mail address.
E-mail verification code: * Once you entered your e-mail, click the Send Verification Code button. You'll receive a confirmation e-mail on your indox or spam folder. Copy and paste it on the place holder. You may resend another verification code after a minute.
In case of emergency
Guardian /
Contact Person: *
In case of emergency. Mandatory field.
Relationship: Relationship with the contact person given.
Guardian /
Parent Occupation: *
Occupation of Guardian/Parent.
Contact No: * Home phone number of contact person. Mandatory field.

- Family Data

- Educational Background*
- Visa Information

- Application Survey*


1How did you know about PWU?
Website Newspaper/Radio/TV
Career Fair/Talk Twitter
Facebook Instagram
Relatives Friends
Other reasons(s), please specify
2Why do you want to study at PWU?
Positive feedback/Review about PWU Near the place where I live
Accessibility Affordable Fees
Offers the course I want Recommended by family/friends
Other reasons(s), please specify
3Internet Access available (at home)
Prepaid Wi-Fi Broadband (DSL or Cable)
Fiber-Optic (High-speed broadband connection) Cellular/Mobile Data
4Do you have limited amount of data allowed for your internet access?
Yes, my broadband plan (either DSL, Cable, or Fiber) has a data cap. Yes, since I use prepaid Wi-Fi.
No, my plan allows unlimited access to the internet.  
5If you are using Prepaid Wifi or data, approximately how often do you load your data allocation?
Daily Weekly
Every 3 days Monthly
Every 15 days  
6Approximately how much in Pesos do you load every time you load your device?
7How many people in your household are sharing the internet connection?
1 - 3 7 - 9
10 or More 4 - 6
8How would you rate your internet connectivity at home?
Very poor Poor
Fair Good
9Electronic Device/s available (at home)
Personal Computer (PC) Laptop
Cellular/Mobile Phone Tablet Computer
10Do any of these devices have a web camera? (Having a external web camera (hardware) is also acceptable)
Yes No
11Do you have a home printer or printer supplies?
Yes No
12The University is currently looking at sourcing mobile Wifi and/or tablet computers for next school year. Would you be interested to avail of one?
Yes No
13If you answered Yes to the previous question, what kind of device would you wish to avail of?
Mobile or Home Wifi Device Both Wifi. device and Tablet computer
Tablet Computer None of the above
14How much would you be willing to pay for a tablet computer should the University be able to provide student financing packages?
Php 5,000 - Php 6,999 Php 7,000 - Php 8,999
Php 9,000 - Php 10,999 I'd be willing to pay Php 11,000 and above for a Tablet computer
Thanks, but I'm happy with the device I'm currently using  
15Do you have any of the health/medical conditions below? Please check all that apply
Asthma Diabetes
Serious heart conditions Chronic kidney disease being treated with dialysis
Chronic lung disease Liver disease
Severe obesity None
16Are you living with a person with serious health/medical conditions? Yes or No, if yes please specify your relationship and the medical condition.
17Are you living with a person who is aged 60 years and older?
Yes No
18Are you living with child/children?
Yes No
19How many child/children are you living with?
1 - 2 3 - 4
5 and up  
20Age of the child/children. If more than 1 child, please list all ages of the children,

- Application Disclosure Form*

Philippine Women's University aims to provide educational opportunities for diversely gifted learners including applicants with Special Learning Needs (SLN). The final acceptance or non-acceptance of SLN applicants are based on the merits of their application and the ability of the university to provide service for their conditions.

Do you have physical disability (e.g. heart condition, visual/hearing impairment, etc.), special learning needs (e.g. dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, etc.), or psychological/emotional condition that may affect your studies at PWU?

Determine what action to take for this application.
* All indicated with (*) are mandatory or required fields.

PWU Online Application